Our goal is bigger than keeping the lights on.
We want our communities to thrive,
so we give a lot more than safe and reliable
We’re continually investing resources to ensure our infrastructure meets the region’s future electrical demands. Whether we’re starting initiatives that enhance quality of life or contributing to the region’s economic growth, our goal is the same — to build strong and vibrant communities where we all can thrive. We believe that our distinct community programs – Charitable Giving and Community Impact Grants – help us to accomplish these goals.
Charitable Giving Highlights — 2022
Charitable Giving Highlights — 2021
Organizations with an annual operating budget over $500,000 are encouraged to learn more about DLC’s funding opportunities through our general Charitable Giving program, outlined below.
Programs/projects should align with one of these three focus areas:
- Social & Economic Equity - Funding will support community development projects and initiatives with a focus towards communities and populations that are historically disenfranchised.
- Workforce Development - Funding will support initiatives and programs that focus
on K-12 education in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM). Additionally, funds may also support career readiness, mentoring, and workforce based training for individuals in the energy and utility sector.
- Sustainable Communities - Funding will support programs and projects that ensure the protection of our environment and green spaces along with projects that promote community safety and resiliency.
For information on eligibility and how to apply for this specific funding opportunity, please read below.
For all proposals that do not qualify for Duquesne Light’s Community Impact Grant program, Duquesne Light requests that organizations submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI). Please note that we will not accept LOIs for Community Impact Grants. Please first refer to the FAQs section listed at the bottom of this page to ensure your organization meets our charitable giving guidelines.
Your LOI should be dated, not exceed 2 pages in length and include the following:
Contact Information
- Name, title, email address and telephone number for both the direct contact of this request and the head of the organization
Organization Details
- Organization name as recognized by the IRS or PA state equivalent, and/or the organization’s fiscal sponsor
- Brief summary of your organization’s mission, vision and history
- Current state of the organization’s programs, including neighborhoods and number of individuals served
- Which Duquesne Light focus area does this request meet
- Brief explanation of the need for support and the amount you intend to request
- Detailed budget that supports your request
- List any additional funders, partners and/or other relevant stakeholders for the program/project
- Please also disclose if an employee of DLC is connected to your organization via board seat, family, business or other relationship
- Projected project timeline
- Anticipated outcomes and metrics to measure the program/project’s success
- Methods you will use to ensure positive DLC recognition
Duquesne Light Company is excited to continue the Community Impact Grants microgrant program, started in 2021, aimed at funding projects and programs that support diverse grassroots community organizations, thereby strengthening community organizations who are working on-the-ground to help our communities thrive. Organizations must have an annual operating budget equal to or less than $500,000 to be considered for this program.
Applications for the 2024 cycle of DLC's Community Impact Grants are now closed.
For more information about the program, please refer to some of the following commonly asked questions:
Contact Us
For any additional questions or to learn more, please email community@duqlight.com.