Need help getting your payments back on track? Pay off your account balance in monthly installments.
Restore your electric service if it has been disconnected for non-payment.
Open to eligible customers whose income is 150% of the Federal Poverty Level or below.
Provides help in maintaining or restoring your electric service.
Helps reduce your electric bill through energy education and conservation measures
Provides you with information about other assistance programs.
Helps give access to weatherization improvement experts.
We will delay termination of service for up to 30 days for eligible households where anyone living in the home is seriously ill.
Find useful resources from additional utilities in the region.
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We provide quick assistance, free of cost to our customers, through our Emergency Repair Fund to help income eligible homeowners that are in an unsafe electrical situation.
Customer Assistance Program
Dollar Energy Fund
Income Eligible Energy Assessment
Home Weatherization
Medical Certificate
Service Restoration Pennsylvania Homeowners Assistance Fund
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