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Shopping for an electricity rate

We value our relationship with you and strive to provide helpful information so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. You have a choice when it comes to the energy that powers your home or business and that means you can shop around for the price and type of service that best suits your needs. 

If you are currently enrolled with an electric generation supplier, follow these simple steps to get the rate that's right for you. 

What is an electric generation supplier? 

An electric generation supplier ('supplier') is the company that generates your electricity. DLC is the electric distribution company that transmits power to your home, but does not own the power plants that create the electricity.

Under the "Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act" (Electric Choice) customers can choose which supplier provides their electricity. DLC will continue to transmit and distribute electricity to your home or business. PA Power Switch makes it easy for customers to decide on their preferred supplier based on price, renewable energy sources, and other factors.


Here's how getting electricity used to work:

Electric Generation Process - Old Way

Here's how getting your electricity works today:

Electric Generation Process - New Way


  • Potential savings opportunities
  • How the electricity is generated and where the energy is produced
  • Whether the supplier contributes to the Pennsylvania economy
  • Use of renewable energy sources
  • Fixed or variable rates
  • Different combinations of service and price

HOW to shop for a supplier:

Review your bill

Shopping for a supplier impacts the supply portion of your monthly bill. First, you will need to know the following information found on pages one and three of your bill.
  • Average Monthly Usage: the average amount of electricity you use per month, measured in kilowatt-hours, or kWh.
  • Supply Charges: The price you are being charged by your current supplier if you are already shopping.
  • Price to Compare (PTC): Duquesne Light Company's current price for the generation and transmission of electricity.

Compare your options

Using your average monthly usage, the PTC, and/or supply charges, you may find one of the following options to better fit your needs. Or, if you value the use of renewable energy, you may select a supplier that generates electricity through alternative sources, such as solar, wind and hydropower. 

Business PTC
Price to Compare
Electric Generation Supplier

Explore your supplier options on the official shopping website of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

Standard Offer Program

Purchase electric generation at a fixed rate of 7% below the PTC for a 12-month period.

Duquesne Light Company

If you do not choose a supplier or want DLC to supply your electricity, you will be charged the PTC. Find out how to switch to the PTC.


  • The supplier may provide introductory offers or incentives. Take note of the terms of agreement when signing up with an electric generation supplier. 
  • The supplier may offer variable rates, rather than a fixed rate. Be mindful these rates could change depending on the price of power in the market.
  • Switching to a different supplier or back to DLC is permitted. If you decide to change suppliers, pay careful attention to the contract's end date and whether there are cancellation fees. 
  • What is the price per kWh?
  • Does the price depend on usage? Rates could change after a certain usage threshold is reached.
  • What is the length of the agreement?
  • Is there a fee for switching?
  • Is there a monthly service charge or other fees?
  • Will I receive one bill or two?
  • Is there a bonus for signing up?
  • Does the supplier offer a choice of energy sources, such as renewable energy sources?
  • Does the supplier offer budget billing?
  • Does the supplier offer any other services?
  • How can I contact the supplier and what are their customer service hours?

To estimate potential monthly savings, subtract the supplier's price from the price to compare from DLC or your current price with your supplier. Then, multiply the difference by the average number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) you use in a month.

When comparing prices, consider time-of-day pricing, termination fees and temporary or partial discounts. If you have questions about a supplier's price calculation, feel free to contact them for more information.

Notification Electric Supplier Notifications 

Depending on the rate class, the PTC changes up to four times per year and you may decide to switch suppliers. Sign up for voice, SMS and/or email alerts to be notified of these changes.

My Alerts

Lock 1@2x Scams & Deceptive Marketing

Suppliers may send you information about their products and services. A reputable supplier should not: 

  • portray themselves as Duquesne Light Company
  • threaten that you will lose service if you don’t choose a supplier
  • misrepresent the potential savings
  • enroll customers in a plan without sending a written or digital copy of agreement

Avoid Scams

To support electric choice, DLC is required to provide suppliers with customer information, unless the customer opts out. Visit "Restrict Information Access" under Account Settings to withhold your information to suppliers. 

Quesiton Mark Customer Choice FAQ

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