Subject to Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission approval (“PUC”), Duquesne Light Company (“DLC”) will begin construction for the Cheswick-Plum Reconfiguration Project ("Project") in April 2024. The Project is a PJM Interconnection, LLC (“PJM”) baseline reliability project that is necessary to mitigate transmission system violations caused by the deactivation of the coal-fired Cheswick Generating Station in Springdale, PA. The Project consists of two main components: (1) replacing and/or relocating four existing transmission structures located entirely on DLC-owned property, and (2) reconductoring an existing 138kV transmission circuit for approximately three miles. Your electric service will NOT be interrupted to make these improvements.
The Project is currently under the PUC’s review. View all publicly available documents here.
Should you have any concerns, please email cheswickplumproject@duqlight.com.