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EV Landing Page

Pittsburgh’s electric vehicle future is now.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are transforming the way we drive -- from personal cars to business fleets. And it’s clear why so many are making the switch from gas: superior performance, convenient charging, low fuel costs and reduced maintenance. Best of all, charging up in Pennsylvania results in just one third the emissions of a gas-powered car.

The EV Team is here to support everyone looking to join the future of driving, including:

  • Individual car owners seeking information and great deals on electric vehicles.
  • Property developers or managers or employers considering installing charging stations.
  • Organizations looking to upgrade their fleet to electric.
View the EV Guide
Electric car

Go electric. Get paid.

Beyond the everyday savings from lower fuel and maintenance costs, there are many incentives available to lower the cost of buying an EV.

Charging stations

Charging stations everywhere.

More than 400 public charging station ports across the Pittsburgh region means better air quality -- and peace of mind knowing that a charge-up is just around the corner.

Woman pumping gas

Find the right electric vehicle.

Explore more than 60 EV models available in the Western Pennsylvania region, and compare costs to a similar gas vehicle.

Family having picnic in back of car

Already own an electric vehicle?

Duquesne Light customers can receive $50 of EV Bonus Cash as a gift card or direct deposit just for letting us know that you own or lease an EV.

Pumping Gas

Explore the WholeHome EV Rate.

We’re now offering time-based electricity supply rates with peak, off-peak, and super off-peak periods for our residential customers driving electric vehicles.

Woman charging vehicle

Protection for your EV Charger

Help protect your EV charger and the electrical line that feeds it from costly covered repairs. Eligible customers can now enroll in an optional protection plan from HomeServe, a leading and independent provider of home repair solutions, to help cover repairs to their interior electrical line and EV home charger.

"Once you make the transition, you really never want to go back"
Toyota Prius Prime
“Buying an EV was a no brainer”
Tesla Model 3
“I drive an EV because I want to be part of the next step”
Tesla Model 3
“The instant torque, that’s got to be one of the best features of the car”
Hyundai Kona
City bridge
EV Team

Electricity is fueling a new era of mobility in Pittsburgh.

At DLC, we’re empowering all of our customers to experience the benefits of driving electric. We’re modernizing our grid to meet our customers’ charging needs and leading by example with our own operations.

DLC Electric car
EV Team

We’re leading the charge.

Today our fleet includes electric sedans, plug-in hybrid bucket trucks, and electric forklifts. And this is just the start. We’re committed to 30x30 – by 2030, 30% of Duquesne Light’s fleet will be powered by electricity. Overall, we aim to find electric solutions for all DLC light-duty vehicles, 25% of medium-duty vehicles, 30% of heavy-duty vehicles, and 50% of forklifts.

PAT electric bus
EV Team

We’re fueling the EV revolution with leading organizations in our community.

You can now catch a ride on an electric bus in Pittsburgh thanks to a partnership between DLC and Pittsburgh Regional Transit. With zero tailpipe emissions and quiet operation, these buses bring the benefits of electric mobility to everyone.

Pittsburgh Region Community Partnerships

We're fueling the EV revolution with leading organizations in our community.

Questions about electric vehicles? We have the answers.

Reach out to an EV Team member who can help you drive electric today. Installing EV charging for use beyond that of your own personal or fleet vehicle? Notify us at least 120 days in advance of the planned installation.

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