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On Saturday, August 27, Duquesne Light Company and IBEW Local 29 partnered to host the 6th annual Rodeo and Safety Expo, an event for employees and their families that also serves as a fundraiser for the United Way. The event was held at the company’s Woods Run training facility on Pittsburgh’s North Side. The festivities included a petting zoo, pony rides, games, music, lunch and the highlight of the event, Duquesne Light’s lineworkers safely demonstrating their skills in various individual and team competitions.

This year’s Rodeo featured 37 employees competing in individual and team events such as the pole-climb, the individual bucket-truck competition and the hurt man rescue (where participants rescue life-size dummies from utility poles). The events were timed, with judges keeping an eye on the clock while assessing form and presentation. Winners have a chance to visit the International Lineman’s Rodeo in Overland Park, Kansas. Begun in 1984, the event has grown from hosting 12 teams to more than 200.

The successful event drew 1,300 people and raised more than $40,000 for United Way’s Impact Fund.

Riazzi Presents 2016 Rodeo Check to United Way

We Don’t Just Power Your Lights,
We Power The Moments You Call Life.

One More Reason We’re Larger Than Light.