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Summer: lazy days lounging by the pool, family vacations, outdoor adventures, and an air of relaxation that never seems to end.  While the warmer weather allows for a lot more freedom when making weekend plans, it also brings a new set of challenges for homeowners facing an increase in their energy bill as they try to stay cool in the summer months.

The hottest days of summer typically occur during July and August in western Pennsylvania, occasionally reaching temperatures as high as in the 90s.  The temperature also tends to fluctuate throughout the day, reaching its highest point between 3:00 and 5 o’clock.  Duquesne Light encourages customers to follow these tips and techniques to manage their energy use.

Air Conditioners:

  • Ensure that all of your air conditioner filters are clean and in good shape and replace them on a monthly schedule.
  • Check air and return vents on a regular basis to keep circulation air paths clear. 
  • On hot and humid days, set your thermostat at 78 degrees when you are home and 85 degrees or off when you are away for long periods of time.

Home Appliances:

  • Excess heat emissions from appliances like clothes dryers, dishwashers, and stoves can increase temperature in your home.  Avoid using these appliances until after 7 p.m.
  • Non-essential appliances like televisions and computers should be turned off when not in use, as well as any lights in unoccupied rooms.

Air Circulation:

  • Using ceiling or freestanding fans will help circulate the air in the room.
  • Opening doors and windows can also help circulate air, however if a room is not in use and has a window air conditioning unit, the room should be closed off to ensure the unit is working efficiently.
  • Hot air rises, so cool off on lower floors or the basement of your home.

By following these tips, you can help manage your energy use while keeping you and your home comfortable in rising temperatures.  Customers can find even more energy conservation tips and programs on the WattChoices website at

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