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Since the Smart Meter project began in September 2014, Duquesne Light has made substantial progress in exchanging existing customers’ electric meters with new, advanced digital meters. Recently, the Company surpassed the halfway point of residential exchanges by successfully exchanging nearly 300,000 meters. These efforts will be completed in 2019.

In addition to enabling increased efficiency for Duquesne Light, smart meters offer a variety of benefits for our customers:

Initial Benefits

  • Online tools that provide customers with access to electric usage information 24/7 and help them discover ways to manage their bill
  • Email or phone alerts that reduce high bill surprise and worry and help with managing high-usage activity
  • An optional Time-of-Use program that may provide benefits to residential customers who can shift portions of their power use to non-peak hours
The meter exchanges are part of an overall upgrade of the Company’s metering infrastructure required by Pennsylvania Act 129. Visit the meter exchange information page and deployment schedule page for more information. 

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