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With the first days of spring comes thoughts of the outdoors, fresh air, and landscaping.

You can help ensure reliable electric service – and minimize potential unsafe situations – by following the “right tree in the right place” approach when planning landscaping around your residence, business, or in your community. Trees grow to different mature heights and widths. Before you grab a shovel, find out how high and wide your tree may grow, and size up the area where you plan to plant it.

Distribution line circuits deliver electricity along local streets and backyards. The diagram below shows where trees should be planted when being placed near energized electrical distribution equipment. Consult this list for compatible low-growing trees that can safely be planted in the “red zone” because their mature height is less than 25 feet. 


Our transmission system involves the interconnecting power lines that move high-voltage electricity from where it is produced to our substations.  When planting near transmission lines and related equipment, the distance between your tree and overhead power lines should significantly increase. Plantings must not exceed 15 feet in height at maturity when located within 35 feet of overhead transmission lines.

Please do not plant tall-growing trees under or near power lines. Inappropriately planted trees that interfere with overhead power lines or electrical equipment may be removed by Duquesne Light’s qualified line clearance professionals or, at a minimum, will require future pruning and have potential for disfigurement.

Remember: Right Tree, Right Place! A healthy, properly placed tree is a safe tree.