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Duquesne Light’s Customer Contact Center employees recently held a companywide bake sale, which raised over $1,000 in funds, including a company match, to support students returning to the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) this year.

The funds benefited PPS’ seventh annual back-to-school event, #WeArePPS, at the Pittsburgh Obama Academy. Every year, PPS invites thousands of families from around the district to attend the event, which is designed to equip families with the necessary tools to successfully kick off a new school year. This year’s event also featured special guest appearances by Pittsburgh Steelers players.

“It was an incredible feeling to see the children walk away with a backpack filled with school supplies and knowing they would be able to start the school year off right,” said Andrew Arelt, Contact Center Supervisor. “I’m happy the Contact Center was able to raise funds again for such a great event.”

With the help of corporate and community partners from the Pittsburgh area, including Duquesne Light, PPS was able to provide free school supplies, uniforms and shoes, immunizations, haircuts and light refreshments.

PPS Backpacks