We understand that unexpected events can happen that prevent you from receiving and paying your bill, such as an emergency medical condition or just simply misplacing your mail. Double Notice Protection provides you with the secure knowledge that someone you know and trust will be notified in the event you are in danger of having your electric service turned off because of non-payment of a bill. We'll send a payment reminder to both you and to a person you designate -- a friend, neighbor, relative, or someone else you trust to care for your affairs. That person is not obligated to pay your electric bill for you, but can be there to assist you in getting the matter resolved.
Likewise, you can become a recognized "third party" for someone else. Whether it’s your elderly parent, a friend or other family member you help and care for, all you need is his or her written consent to receive notices on their behalf. Click here for a printable form that you can complete. Be sure to obtain an authorized signature from the third party designee.