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Since safety is our top priority, we’ve issued these rules for use by customers, builders, electrical contractors, architects, engineers, etc. The rules require the installation of safe and adequate wiring and electrical equipment, which permits customers to enjoy the full benefits and convenience of safe electrical service.

Customers shall ensure that new buildings, structures, additions, modifications and any other construction projects keep the minimum clearances required from existing Company supply lines. These minimum clearances are specified in the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and some local building codes. The customer shall notify and supply construction plans to the Division Office for any project near Company supply lines well in advance of planned construction.

These rules document minimum Duquesne Light Company requirements. Municipal and other building codes or special conditions may require installation changes. When this occurs, the parties involved should meet with the Company to resolve the changes, which shall be documented in writing.

Copies of these rules may be obtained at the Company offices or by writing to:

Duquesne Light Co. Customer Service
411 Seventh Ave. (6-1),
Pittsburgh, PA 15219.

We Don’t Just Power Your Lights,
We Power The Moments You Call Life.

One More Reason We’re Larger Than Light.