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We know small changes can make a big difference. Home weatherization programs offer free help from experts with everything from caulking and weather stripping to tuning up your furnace.

Check the table below to see if you and your family qualify for the program.


No. In Household Monthly Income Yearly Income
1 $1,956 $23,475
2 $2,644 $31,725
3 $3,331 $39,975
4 $4,019 $48,255
5 $4,706 $56,475
6 $5,394 $64,725
Each additional $687.50 $8,250

If you rent, you must first get your landlord's approval. You can apply year-round. Just call the telephone number for your area and ask for an application.
City of Pittsburgh residents:

Action Housing
611 William Penn Place, Suite 800
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

McKeesport and Mon Valley residents:

Action Housing
2901 Brownlee Ave.
McKeesport, PA 15132

All Other Allegheny County residents:

Action Housing
611 William Penn Place, Suite 800
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Beaver County residents:

Housing Authority of Beaver
County Weatherization Program
300 State St.
Beaver, PA 15009
724-775-1220, ext. 40

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One More Reason We’re Larger Than Light.