General Information
No. DLC will provide your electric supply if you do not choose a supplier. We encourage you to compare supplier offers against our default service rate (the Price to Compare).
DLC owns the metering equipment. This will not change if you choose a different supplier. Solar generation requires a DLC net metering device.
If your supplier charges are included in your DLC bill, your LIHEAP payments will cover the entire DLC bill. If you receive a separate bill from your supplier, LIHEAP payments can be applied to that bill, provided the supplier has a signed vendor agreement with LIHEAP. Suppliers who are not on the participating vendor list or have declined to sign a vendor agreement will not be eligible to receive LIHEAP funds.
Tips for Evaluating Suppliers
You should ask questions that help you make a choice based on what is important to you. If it interests you, ask about the source of supply. If you are interested in billing options, make sure you get a clear explanation of any option available to you. Also, you should be clear on the length of time that the price you are quoted is in effect, and if it will change monthly (called a variable rate).
Some questions you may want to consider before selecting a supplier include:
- What is the price per kWh?
- Does the price depend on usage? Rates could change after a certain usage threshold is reached.
- What is the length of the agreement?
- Is there a fee for switching?
- Is there a monthly service charge or other fees?
- Is there a bonus for signing up?
- Does the supplier offer a choice of energy sources, such as renewable energy sources?
- Does the supplier offer budget billing?
- How can I contact the supplier and what are their customer service hours?
Licensed suppliers who service your area provide price information on PA Power Switch. Suppliers may contact you directly to market their services. To support electric choice, DLC is required to provide suppliers with customer information, unless the customer opts out. Visit "Restrict Information Access" under Account Settings to withhold your information to suppliers.
For information on the source of energy for each supplier, contact the supplier or the Clean Air Council call 717-230-8806 or visit
To estimate potential monthly savings, subtract the supplier's price from the price to compare from DLC or your current price with your supplier. Then, multiply the difference by the average number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) you use in a month.
When comparing prices, consider time-of-day pricing, termination fees and temporary or partial discounts. If you have questions about a supplier's price calculation, feel free to contact them for more information.
Switching or Changing Suppliers
Switching to a different supplier or back to DLC supply is permitted. If you decide to change suppliers, pay attention to contract end dates and possible cancellation fees.
You can switch suppliers every three business days, which allows you to take advantage of competitive pricing options. DLC does not charge a fee to switch suppliers.
Before changing your supplier, you should review your agreement with your current supplier to see if there are penalties for early cancellation or any other charges. Your supplier agreement is a contract that is enforceable through the legal process.
Contact the new supplier you've selected and they will notify DLC of the change. DLC will notify you by mail or email. depending on your designated preference We also will notify your prior supplier of the change. Your electric service will not be interrupted when you change suppliers. Once DLC receives notice, the request will process within three business days.
Yes. You may switch back to DLC by contacting your supplier or by logging into your online account and selecting default service under the Supplier Information section in your Account Settings.
If you switch suppliers, you will see multiple suppliers listed on your electric bill during the period in which you switched. Each supplier rate will display on the bill.
Moving Electric Service
Yes. First, notify DLC of your upcoming move. Existing residential customers and commercial and industrial (C&I) shopping customers with less than 300kW of demand are eligible to retain their current supplier, without disruption. Your stop and start service dates must be less than three days apart and the rate class must be the same at both premises. For residential customers this means that the primary heating source is the same.
If you are a residential customer or a commercial customer with less than 300kW of demand, then yes. Instant Connect allows new customers the ability to have a supplier on the first day of starting new service, rather than using DLC's default service. To enroll, contact your supplier to send a switch request to DLC. DLC must receive your request three business days or more prior to your move-in date Otherwise, the new supplier will become effective three days after DLC receives the request. In the interim period, your electricity will be supplied by DLC's default service.
Moving out of the DLC territory ends your agreement with your supplier. If you would like to continue service with your supplier at a new location, please notify them prior to the move.
Depending on the supplier, you may receive a separate bill from them. You should confirm with your supplier how you will be billed.
Yes. Taxes are embedded in the rate charged by a supplier.
No, because they are both electricity supply rates. We encourage you to compare the WholeHome EV Rate with DLC’s standard default service rate and EGS supply offerings. Learn more about DLC's time-of-use rate for EV drivers.
Deceptive Marketing Tactics/Slamming
Slamming is the unauthorized enrollment of a customer into a supplier electric plan. Several safeguards are in place to protect you from slamming.
Once you enroll with a supplier, that supplier must send you the terms of your agreement in writing. You may cancel your agreement for any reason within three days of receipt. In addition, DLC will send you a confirmation letter after we receive notice of your enrollment with a supplier. You must respond in 5 days if the enrollment information is incorrect.
If you have any questions about your agreement or enrollment, we encourage you to contact the supplier.
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