a new service with projected peak demand of at least 10 kW OR
an existing service where I project the peak demand to grow by at least 10 kW
have a competitive energy alternative to electricity delivered by Duquesne Light Company (DLC may require supporting documentation)
will not be able to commence and/or sustain this business without participating in this Community Development Rate
Customer Name:
Account Number:
Service Address:
Authorized Representative:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Email:
I affirm I am applying for:
I affirm I:
By clicking "submit", I affirm that I am the Authorized Representative identified above, and that all of the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further affirm that I have reviewed and understand the terms of Duquesne Light's Community Development Rate, and will notify Duquesne Light if I become aware of any changes in circumstances that may impact my eligibility for the Community Development Rate.
Service Map
Continuance of Service
Customer Choice/Shop For Electricity
Standard Offer Program