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Community Development Rate

a new service with projected peak demand of at least 10 kW OR

an existing service where I project the peak demand to grow by at least 10 kW

have a competitive energy alternative to electricity delivered by Duquesne Light Company (DLC may require supporting documentation)

will not be able to commence and/or sustain this business without participating in this Community Development Rate

You can upload a maximum of two files (4MB size limit each). We only accept .jpg, .png, .pdf, or .docx files.
You can upload a maximum of two files (4MB size limit each). We only accept .jpg, .png, .pdf, or .docx files.

Customer Name:

Account Number:

Service Address:

Authorized Representative:

Contact Phone Number:

Contact Email:

I affirm I am applying for:

I affirm I:

By clicking "submit", I affirm that I am the Authorized Representative identified above, and that all of the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further affirm that I have reviewed and understand the terms of Duquesne Light's Community Development Rate, and will notify Duquesne Light if I become aware of any changes in circumstances that may impact my eligibility for the Community Development Rate.

We Don’t Just Power Your Lights,
We Power The Moments You Call Life.

One More Reason We’re Larger Than Light.